Saturday, October 18, 2008

Is Asher Roth relevant now that Eminem is back?

When virtually unknown rapper Asher Roth first burst onto the scene earlier this summer, immediately came the comparisons to Eminem. Was this really valid however? Sure, they are both white, have similar vocal tones, and both happen to be talented as fuck.
While Eminem was on hiatus, up popped Asher Roth. Suburban emcee from Pennsylvania, rapping about college, sex and beer among other things. It seemed as though he was the “replacement” for Em during this time. He had a strong backing of well known names, an album in the works, and a near classic mixtape. His buzz lead him to being on the cover of the upcoming edition of XXL’s ‘Leaders Of The New School’ as well as being featured in numerous other magazines and websites. When his mixtape The Greenhouse Effect first hit the internet, the blogs and message boards were buzzing about who this Asher Roth guy was. Comment after comment praised his rhyme skill, but almost every one mentioned Eminem in one way or another.
Up until two nights ago, VIBE’s “Best Rapper Alive” has been pretty much missing-in-action for the past four or so years. Releasing the track ‘I’m Having A Relapse, Eminem dives into his classic style, rapping about drugs, violence, all in a signature funny accent and excellent delivery.
Now that Eminem is “back” with an album slated to be released in 2009, is there really room for Asher Roth in the rap game anymore? Will Asher be able to prove himself as more then just the Eminem stand in that people perceive him as? Is Asher Roth relevant now that Eminem is back?
I ask you to leave comments stating your opinion on the above questions. Ask your friends and see what they think.

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