Tuesday, November 11, 2008

One Day it will all make sense

I never do celebrity gossip and what not, if you want that you can head somewhere else . But I did have to speak on how women never let other women shine. Yesterday some pics leaked from one of the chicks from 3Lw/ Cheetah Girls Adrienne. I was thinking to myself whats the big deal? Whatever, not even worth posting. But today it all came together, one of the girl's previous band mates, Naturi is playing Lil Kim in the Notorious bio flick. Naturi landed the ever "presigious" cover of King Magazine. Not to be out done by her previous "sanger turnt actor" band mate, Adrienne released some bottomless pics on the net.

This makes me ask, why do women hate on each other so much?


Anonymous said...

men are if not worse than females.

Jason King said...

True Men are just as bad as women, but I don't think that its as blatant. I mean women sabotaging things, dirty looks, even comments under their breath. I find it amusing.