Thursday, July 17, 2008

Obama Ya'll

As the Democratic convention approaches B-Roc will be narrowing down the list of possible vp's . Who do you all think is the best possible choice for V.P.?

Bill Richardson
You know him, you love him; he's the New Mexico governor with a heart of gold, a kickin' mustache, and -- thanks to James Carville -- a new nickname.

Pro: You've heard them all before. A foreign policy resume a mile long, executive experience, and a lock with Hispanic voters. And he picked Obama, despite his Clinton ties.

Con: Did you watch any of the debates?

Joe Biden
He is Mr. Foreign Policy. He also claims the best line of the primary season thus far. Too bad no one told Iowans he was running for President.

Pro: He trumps any foreign policy claims that McCain brings to the table. He can hit McCain hard.

Con: He tends to hit everyone hard. And he's a Washington figure, which could hurt a campaign running against Washington.

Jim Webb
Webb is the closest thing to a frontrunner for Obama's VP these days. A former Republican, he served as Secretary of the Navy for Ronald Reagan. Webb defeated George "Macaca" Allen to become a junior senator in Virginia.

Pro: Webb is a good foil for Obama's post-partisan message, and he's got the military credentials to match up with John McCain. He's good at playing the attack dog, which will let Obama take the high road. And he's from trending-blue Virginia, which would be a great pickup in November for Democrats. He's also pro-guns.

Con: Webb can be a little out-of-control as attack dogs go.

Wesley Clark
Rhodes Scholar turned four-star general and once-presidential candidate. A star resource for Democrats on military affairs.

Pro: John McCain would have to salute him. And he has Southern appeal.

Con: Backed Clinton early and has been a very active surrogate. Not always the best politician on a national stage.

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