Monday, September 15, 2008

Even by gay standards this is just to far

A question. Why is it that the gayer you are the greasier you get. I mean look at Richard or even Ne-yo. I mean I know there is that unwritten rule that gay people get to wear clothes that don't fit and things like that but damn bro greasiness is not a fashion statement. Is wearing that jacket really ok?


Anonymous said...

That's famous.... GO RICHARD!

Anonymous said...

famous with those free weights in the background? ferosh. coulda swore he was in hiding.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

do not ever in your life compare jason brown and richard gaynt in another sentence IN! YOUR! LIFE!
jesus, take the wheel!

Anonymous said...

dang everybody hate richard. somebody put me up on game. i thought he was cool people

Anonymous said...

WOW! That's all I can say....WOW! Who told him this outfit was ok??? I'm sure he probably thinks this is "HIGH FASHION" as all gay guys think their fits are. This is far from high fashion, this is just a mess! Somebody help this mess....