Monday, June 23, 2008

Diplomatic Duty to Dena

As I sit back reclined behind my macbook, Ferragamos in the air, ear to the streets of Pasadena I've noticed the dispositions of some that have been featured on 20shots in my short tenure as a blogger. Some angered, some flattered, some distraught and in total disarray. Others just brush it off as the intellects among you get a good laugh from your idiotic displays that I post. What I have come to realize is my exceptional accountability and responsibility in bringing you the truth. Undeniable facts. And what I post that isn't fact (that's usually merely for entertainment purposes) appropriately come with a disclaimer that says such. What I don't understand is why the negativity towards I? I only state my opinion on actual events going on in Pasadena. I'm not the one out there doing these things. Is what I post false? What I ask of those who view my blog, be you featured or not, take on the same accountability and responsibility that I've shown. Ask yourself (if you're featured) if you're lifestyle is "outlandish!" As a viewer, don't say, "J. King is wrong" because I'm simply exercising my 1st amendment right. But speak out and tell these individuals you see living "outlandishly" about themselves rather than embellish my blog post. This is in no way an apology for any of the things I've posted nor is it a white flag for some to think I'm questioning myself in my efforts to rid Pasadena of its social lasciviousness. This blog post is simply a mirror held up to a society slowly spiraling downward that I happen to love deeply. It's a harsh reminder of the fundamental reason this blog exist. Because there is an enormous amount of lewd conduct happening and some need to look at themselves in the mirror and through the eyes of an impartial observer such as myself. With that being said... I know darkness has never liked light and that the 2 don't mix. And that if a crazy man knew he was crazy, ironically, he wouldn't really be crazy. So to some, I know I’m talking to a brick wall. Others I know will get it and those are the ones I hope to reach because your influence is instrumental in the movement. But don't blame J. King for being the messenger!

Deepest Regards,
Jason King


Anonymous said...

I challenge you to prove youre truly a white man. I think your efforts of trying to make people believe that is pretty weird. Its '08. And its Dena. White kids aren't up on shit like this. Trust me, we would all know who "JASON KING" was, if he truly existed. But I'm just leving this to show you ppl actually DO read because I heard youre anxious to feel valid.

Jason King(non-existent) said...

Ok, first off how do you have a diplomatic duty to Pasadena? Explain yourself. That is not a title to bestow upon yourself. You definitely lack the credentials to validate the fact of being a diplomat of a city in which you air out “dirty laundry” for lack of a better term. In what way do you believe you are being any service to this city or the people of the city? In fact, you are being a great disservice; moreover, you release information that can in no way be beneficial to anyone. How do you explain the fact of allowing information to be displayed via the internet in which no one can utilize it? Being a diplomat (or so you say) allow all of Pasadena to recognize you as so and stop hiding behind the facade of the internet. If you have such diplomatic duties to this city respond to these comments. Have discourse with the few people who actually take time to comment. As the last person said "youre anxious to feel valid".